SZ-HK Border Zone Development on Track - China hotels, Canton Fair hotel, guangzhou hotels, shanghai hotels, beijing hotels shenzhen hotel, dongguan hotel

SZ-HK Border Zone Development on Track

SZ-HK Border Zone Development on Track


    Shenzhen and Hong Kong governments are speeding up preparations for a joint development of the Lok Ma Chau Loop, a site in the restricted border zone between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang checkpoints.

    "The two governments had decided to set up three task forces to handle issues relating to the border projects such as environmental assessment, planning and land development of the Loop and preliminary planning for a new checkpoint in Liantang," Shenzhen Executive Vice Mayor Liu Yingli said at a news conference yesterday.

    The announcement followed talks between officials of the two cities. It came after Shenzhen Mayor Xu Zongheng on Monday urged the two cities to reach consensus on the development of the zone.

    Liu said the three task forces would be required to report on progress to the leading group jointly organized by the two governments. The leading group would conduct a comprehensive feasibility study this year.

    Various plans for developing the Loop area had been put forward over the past 20 years, with suggestions including a free trade zone, research center, high-tech industrial park and international financial services hub.

    Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen announced last year that the 96-hectare no-man's land created by the realignment of the Shenzhen River would be jointly developed by the Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments.

    The governments will soon invite academic institutions to solicit public opinion on the development of the land.

    "The Shenzhen side had completed an environmental impact study and it was found the development of the area was environmentally viable. Hong Kong is working on an environmental impact study," said Hong Kong Secretary for Development Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor at the news conference.

    After yesterday's talks, the two cities also announced that planned checkpoints between Liantang in Shenzhen and Heung Yuen Wai in Hong Kong could be integrated into one building, although vehicles would still have to pass through two separate checks.

    The two sides had launched a joint study two years ago to explore the need, function and benefits of setting up new checkpoints between Liantang and Heung Yuen Wai.

    "The crossing will provide a quick link between Hong Kong's urban areas and Shenzhen's eastern area, which leads to eastern Guangdong cities including Huizhou and Huiyang," said Liu.

    Shenzhen had completed a feasibility study for an expressway connecting the new checkpoint with construction expected to start this year.

    The existing Shatoujiao and Wenjindu checkpoints had limited capacity for trucks, and the construction of the new checkpoint in Liantang would relieve traffic in the city's eastern areas and improve the economic performance of both sides, Liu said.

    Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the National People's Congress in Beijing, Mayor Xu said it was time for Hong Kong and Shenzhen to work together on strategic planning for the two cities and that developing the border area was an important part of this cooperation.