Chosen design of the 16th Asian Games Village in Guangzhou, China is an easy re-customization plan for non-sport development. (.lifeofguangzhou.com photo)
Guangzhou will start construction of 2010 Asian Games athlete village, media village and stuff community in May, 2008. The project is expected to be finished in March 2010.
The Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee (GAGOC) announced on October 9 to start bidding for the design of the athlete village, which will cover 55.2 hectare of land with a total investment of 1.8 billion RMB.
After the 2010 Games, the village will be turned into a residential community and the apartments will be sold.

Layout of the 16th Asian Games Village in Shilou, Panyu District of Guangzhou.(ycwb.com photo)