Tian'anmen Square.The Telecom has a total of 325 guestrooms and suites, and all are equipped with minibars/refrigerators, 36-international-channel televisions with in-house movies and IDD telephones. The executive rooms are equipped with their own facsimile machines and the suites all have four telephone lines, allowing you to access the Internet and keep your phone free at the same time. Room facilities are available for the disabled.
Business facilities: The hotel has more than 10 large and medium meeting & conference rooms, each with simultaneous translation systems, high definition conference video-phones, word processing equipment and various other facilities that provide the most convenient setting for conferences and meeting of all kinds. There is also a 24 hour business center on the fifth floor, that will provide secretarial, translation, duplicating, photocopying, color fax and Internet services.
Other facilities include a swimming pool, a gym, a bowling alley, a sauna, a beauty salon, a disco, a currency exchange desk, a ticket reservation center and a billiards room.
There are a total of nine restaurants in the hotel serving a large variety of food, including Western, Korean, and many Chinese cuisines.